Time On My Mind

Lately time has been on my mind, like …

  1. It’s been a REALLY long time since I last posted.
  2. J & I celebrated 6 years of marriage recently; time has flown by.
  3. With a full time job, owning my own business and a fun, “quarter-time” job…is there enough time to get it all done and be the best I can be at all of it?
  4. When will it be our time to start a family?
  5. Has it really only been 6 months time since BAKE went home to be with our Lord? Will there ever be a time when the pain isn’t still so raw?
  6. How did my adorable Macy grow up so quickly? In a matter of time she went from being a 10lb. 8 week old pup to a funny, sweet 4 year old dog.
  7. Where does the time go each evening, that it becomes too late to call my family or FaceTime with my nieces and nephew?
  8. Has it really only been 1 month since I got my braces on? Can’t time hurry up so I can get these things off?
  9. When will time slow down?

Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by my lack of “time”. But the reality is that I’m not in control of my time here on Earth. God has a plan for me, and it’s His hands that are orchestrating, mold and shaping me to be more like Him. So I need to stop trying to control all the time I have or don’t have in my life and be thankful and have faith in God and His plan for me. My goal is to refocus my attention on Him, and less on the amount of time I have to get things done. I have this incredible life to live, and we aren’t promised tomorrow. So regardless of whether or not time is on my side, I”m going to choose joy, be thankful and make the most of my time.