Lovelies List – 7.13.2012

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’ve missed y’all. I know I’ve been M.I.A. a lot the past week or so. Things are INSANE at work and in the evenings. I’m super happy it’s Friday and I’m excited to link up (again…finally) with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. Here are my top five faves from this week.

ONE ::  Earlier this week, my co-worker surprised me with this AWESEOME gift that his wife won at a silent auction. It’s a Chris Cooley handmade & autographed mug. HAIL! Don’t know Chris Cooley, well he’s a tight end for the Washington Redskins, and my favorite offensive player. Cooley owns The Chris Cooley Gallery in downtown Leesburg, VA. Pretty cool(ey). HA!  Sure made my day!

TWO ::  I had a pretty great week at my 9-2-5 (nine to five job)! I can’t give away a lot of details (sorry work peeps who read my blog), but I’m pretty psyched about it.

THREE :: I ate very well this week. You see my boss and some other co-workers were in town this week, and that meant lunches, dinners and drinks out all week. Each meal though I made a healthy choice and omitted some of the unhealthy items. I felt satisfied after each meal and never felt stuffed. I also tracked all of my points (I’m a Weight Watchers lifetime member) and am excited to step on the scale tomorrow morning to see how successful I was.

FOUR :: This morning I attempted a top knot bun. Might need a little fine tuning, but not bad, right? 

FIVE :: Spa day(s)! I’m headed to the acupuncturist today, which is almost as relaxing as the spa. Fingers crossed he can help knock out these headaches I’ve had all week. Then tomorrow I’ve booked myself a 90 minute massage. CAN. NOT. WAIT.

Hope y’all had a great week. Have an even better weekend!

Want to link up with Lauren for High Five for Fridays?  Grab a button and go!


Lovelies List – 6.15.2012

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. I’m super ready for the weekend! Here are my top five faves from this week.

ONE ::  I found this adorable chevron iPhone wallpaper. I love it so much that I added to my iPad too.  Now they match.  FUN!

TWO ::  Yet again we’ve had great weather this week. I took a few minutes to sit outside, enjoy the sunshine and a little quiet time while at work this week.

THREE :: My headache finally went away. That in itself is a double high five!  No picture for this one, cause really who wants to see me looking crappy with my headache.

FOUR :: Our tile has arrived for our bathroom renovation!  J is going to pick it up today and our plan is to start next week!!

FIVE :: Saving the best for last. So on my way to work I pass this lovely, local farmer’s market, Cox Farm. They have a sign above the store that they change up daily with cute, clever phrases. Well the other day, I had the best laugh at this sign. Very funny and mildly inappropriate. You can bet that I submitted this to Ellen and The Tonight Show for their funny headlines segment.  Come on y’all…this is funny. It’s not the best photo, but I practically had to stop traffic at the 4-way stop sign to take this pic.

Want to link up with Lauren for High Five for Fridays?  Grab a button and go!


Lovelies List – 6.8.2012

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. Here are my top five faves from this week.

ONE ::  I finally got my DIY post on my maxi dress sewing project up. This was a big undertaking for me with regards to the project because I know enough about sewing to be dangerous, and this is my first sewing project without a pattern. Did you read it and did you see the pictures?

TWO ::  I got my first retweet! For this Twitter newbie, this was VERY exciting! Thanks to Michelle @ The Vintage Apple for the shout out! I’d love to someday be retweeted by a celeb…that would be fun! Are you following me on Twitter yet @Amy_GeauxGirlie.

THREE :: I love to read and watch the hair tutorials by Kate @ The Small Things Blog. She recently posted a tutorial on the wrapped bun. This week I gave it a shot and it didn’t turn out too bad.

FOUR :: Our vessel sinks arrived and I think they are going to work!

FIVE :: Summer hours! At my office they have a summer hours program, where you work extra hours throughout the week and you can leave early on Friday! YEAH!

Want to link up with Lauren for High Five for Fridays?  Grab a button and go!


Lovelies List – 6.1.2012

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. Here are my top five faves from this week.

ONE ::  It’s National Donut Day! So far I’ve not celebrated or indulged, but…Honey if you are reading this, I’d be okay if you came by the office and dropped off a donut for me to enjoy today. Perhaps one that is the size of my face will suffice.

TWO ::  Short work week = Friday comes one day sooner!

THREE :: Shopping with my FSIL (favorite sister-in-law) meant $72 spent on 3 dresses, 1 pair of pj pants and 1 pair of sunglasses. DEAL! She’s the best frugal shopping buddy any gal could ask for.

FOUR :: Until this week, I’ve not been a Twitter user. I’m just now getting my feet wet and I think I may like it. Follow me @Amy_GeauxGirlie.

FIVE :: This adorable mutt of mine. I mean she’s the cutest thing EVER!

Want to link up with Lauren for High Five for Fridays?  Grab a button and go!


Lovelies List – 5.25.12

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. Here are my top five faves from this week.

ONE ::  I can’t get enough of this one…my new dresser, soon to be bathroom vanity. I know about I posted about this earlier in the week, but it truly is the highlight of my week!

TWO ::  Banana Cupcake Crowns with Honey Cinnamon Buttercream. I can’t stop eating them. YUM!

THREE :: We are almost done with the Beth Moore study of the Book of James. This week during one of the lessons, I was convicted when I read something Beth said and in summary it was that God can’t be pushed, shoved, moved, tugged or coaxed to move on my terms. He has a plan for me that is infinitely greater than I could imagine. I needed to hear that this week.

FOUR :: I FINALLY finished my maxi dress, which means a blog post is in the works. Here’s a sample pic of the fabric.

FIVE :: The day before any holiday,  my office closes early! Happy early Memorial Day weekend to me!

Want to link up with Lauren for High Five for Fridays?  Grab a button and go!


Five Question Friday

Happy Friday, Lovelies! For Friday’s Lovelies List, I’m linking up for Five Question Friday at My Little Life blog.

This should be fun, so here goes …

  1. What advice would you give a young couple getting married?  Love & Respect! Love & Respect is an incredibly powerful and eye opening series about how and why women and men communicate the way that we do. You see women need love and men need respect. It’s that simple. We’ve gone through this series several times and each time we learn something new about each other and the way that we communicate. Living a respectful and loving life has dramatically changed our lives. Check it out, you won’t regret it one single bit. I promise!
  2. If you could tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?  Really I can only list one thing? Well off the top of my head I would tell my 16 year old self to be active because it will forever change your life. While I’m a relatively fit and healthy person, had I established an active lifestyle in my teens I think today I would be in better shape and not loath working out as much as I do.
  3. What do you do in the summer to keep cool?  Pool, beach, margaritas, sea breezes and AC. I guess maybe even in that order.
  4. What did you crave most when you were pregnant?  Well since we don’t have any children this is a hard one. So I guess at the moment I just crave to BE pregnant.
  5. Who is your favorite TV show mom?  Clair Huxtable from The Cosby Show. Clair was a lovely, loving wife to Cliff and all of the Huxtable kids. I admire Clair’s hardworking personality, who always seemed to skillfully manage her family and career. Without a doubt she put her family first and career second. She was articulate, intelligent, strict and loving. Sound familiar, mom? 🙂

Do you have answers to these five questions?  If you’re a blogger, link up and answer them on your blog. If not, feel free to answer below in the comments, I’d love to hear your responses!

It’s going to be a great weekend here in Northern VA! I hope you have something great planned for your weekend!

Five Question Friday

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m sitting at the airport, waiting to board my flight to Orlando for my whirlwind Disney weekend. So while I wait, I thought I’d link up for Five Question Friday from My Little Life blog.

This should be fun, so here goes …

1.  What did you wear to prom? Include a picture if possible.  To my junior prom, I wore this mermaid looking sequin dress. I thought I was hot stuff with my hair piled up on top of my head…more like a hot mess. HA! To  my senior prom I wore a light pink full skirt with ivory bodice dress that I just had to have. I remember that I was so worried because the dress was a little too short for this 5’11 girl…look you can kinda see my shoes sticking out from the bottom. Whatev, I still married my prom date.

2.  Would you rather be on the biggest loser or a food eating challenge?  The biggest loser for sure. I’m pretty comfortable with my weight in general, but I would love to get fit, toned and in shape. I figure having someone yell at me all day to run, lift, jump, etc. would do the trick.

3.  Do you have a favorite summer drink?  Do I have to have one? How about three?  Sangria Swirl Margarita. Sea Breeze. Vodka & Fresh Lemonade.

4.  What’s  was your first car, and what did you call it?  My first car was a black Nissan Sentra and I called it 2Goofy2. I wanted 2 Goofy, but it was taken.

5.  What one thing your spouse does that sends you over the edge?  Being late ALL the time.  Really it’s not just with my honey, it’s anyone who is perpetually late. Drives. Me. Insane.

Do you have answers to these five questions?  If you’re a blogger,  link up and answer them on your blog. If not, feel free to answer below in the comments, I’d love to hear your responses!

I hope you all have had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend…cause I do…I’m going to DISNEY!

Five Question Friday

Happy Friday, Lovelies! For Friday’s Lovelies List, I’m linking up for Five Question Friday at My Little Life blog.

This should be fun, so here goes …

  1. Groceries are high right now what is easiest way you have found to cut back?  We shop for our produce at the Asian market. It is incredible how many fruits and vegetables you can get for so cheap.
  2. What are the top 3 things on your “bucket list”?  I don’t really have a bucket list, but right off the top of my head how about these.  Attend an LSU football game with my entire family, live in the Caribbean and have Redskin season tickets (preferably when they are a decent team…whenever that will happen).
  3. Would you rather give up AC or heat?  AC for sure! I can open windows, turn on a fan and go to the pool to cool off.  But if I’m living in the Caribbean (see bucket list question from above) then I likely won’t need AC anyhow.
  4. What’s your favorite cocktail??  Swirl Margarita from Rio Grande.  One and you’re happy, two and you’re silly, three and you’re down for the count. So delicious!
  5. What was your first job & how old were you?  If babysitting doesn’t count then I was probably 15 or 16 and I worked at Bob’s Store.  I think I got the job as soon as I was legally able to work without a work permit.

Do you have answers to these five questions?  If you’re a blogger, link up and answer them on your blog. If not, feel free to answer below in the comments, I’d love to hear your responses!

I hope you all have had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend!

Lovelies List – 3.16.12

Happy Friday, Lovelies! I’m linking up for High Five for Fridays with Lauren from From My Grey Desk.

 1. Family Time – My family is coming to town today! Mom, Dad, sister, bro-in-law, 2 nieces and nephew. I! Can’t! Wait!

 2. BAKE Birthday –  BAKE=Best Aunt Kathy Ever! Which is a perfect nickname because she loves to bake. It’s BAKE’s birthday celebration this weekend.  Hence why my family is in town. I can’t wait to spend the day tomorrow celebrating BAKE!

 3. Bloglovin– This week I signed up for Bloglovin. I’m lovin’ that all my daily reads are in one spot. Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

 4.  T-Minus 6 Days – I freaking can’t wait until next week.  We are going to visit my best friend, her hubby and new baby in Houston!

 5. Dinner with Dad   My dad’s travel schedule brought him to NoVa this week and I was able to enjoy an improptu dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant. We enjoyed Swirl Margaritas and dinner on the patio. So nice to catch up and spend quality time with my daddy.

Lovelies List – 3.9.12

It’s Friday, Friday, Friday ooohhhh! Get excited people! I’m linking up for High Five for Fridays with Lauren from From My Grey Desk.

 1. New to Us Car – We bought a “new” car. a 2003 Dodge Durango. We love this car, so much so that we’ve owned one before and now happily own one again. So happy to get rid of the “soccer mom” Chevy Equinox. Nothing against my soccer mom or Equinox driving friends. 🙂

 2. We are Family –  I’m super excited because I found out that my entire family will be visiting next weekend to celebrate my aunt’s birthday! I can’t wait for everyone to get here!

 3. Act of Valor – Honey and I went this week and saw the new Navy Seal movie, Act of Valor. It’s based on a Navy Seal recruitment video that has been turned in to a full-length feature film starring real Navy Seals and actors. It was pretty good. The stuff they can do is pretty bad ass.

 4.  Sweet Frog – I’m addicted to Sweet Frog self-serve frozen yogurt. My honey treated me to this yummy treat BEFORE dinner! Dessert first, yes please.

 5. Dinner Done — We have this local place called Dinner Done, where you go and prepare your meals (main courses) in advance and then freeze them. It makes life so much easier because I can take something out in the morning and then when I get home from work it’s a quick cook before we are ready to eat. It saves us money because we are able to prepare fresh meals and don’t have to purchase spices and ingredients for just one meal. Plus, the food is really, really good. Do you have something like this in your area?

Want to link up and join the High Five For Friday fun? Grab a button and go!
